EUSL-Energy Webinar 03 - Resource recovery and bio renewable energy production from wastes by Prof. P.G Rathnasiri

Before developing waste related business models, it is needed to identify different types of waste streams and their availability. Sri Lanka is blessed with many waste streams with potential of recovering resources and energy.   This session discusses and presents key issues and challenges for waste supply and availability in local context. Important topics impacting the availability and reliability of the supply of waste streams to businesses operating in energy, nutrient and organic matter recovery and water reuse are also discussed. To explore the opportunities for bio renewable energy and organic fertilizer production, Sri Lanka is yet to establish large scale anaerobic digestion facilities. According to past track records, one reason for failure of the waste management projects is due to lack of technology management.  Thus, this session present one case study showing how viable anaerobic digestion technology has been introduced at local municipality by generating electricity via biorenewable energy and simultaneous resource recovery as nutrient rich organic fertilizer.  To impart scientific and engineering insight to resource recovery, it is intended to present how waste treatment plant is simulated dynamically and evaluate different options for improving bioenergy production.

The Webinar was webcasted on 21st May 2021 at 6.30 pm using Zoom Platform with 72 participlants representing industry and academia of Sri Lanka & abroad.